Planches de surf personnalisées en sur mesure, avec impression de décos pendant la fabrication (technologie brevetée) Francais English
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This surfboard shapes are to discover and customize. You can chosse and adapt dimensions, and graphics.

All this surfboard shapes are presented by Surf Designs team shapers..
For every shape, you can find the essential technical informations to make your choice. When you order a surfboard, we systematicaly contact you to check that your board, perfectly fits your level, your style, and the kind of wave you want to ride.
" Each surfer is unique, and your surf will never be as good as with a surfboard perfectly adjusted. "
If you have any question, we are here to help you. Choosing a board is complex, but we have a large offer and we will build you the magic board you are looking for.
Displaying 1 to 18 (of 23 products) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 

5'2''17'2' 0/16 18.3L
>> Details 
 KID 590.00€ 

 3FFX 6'0 
5'6''17' 1/22' 0/16 20.3L
5'8''17' 3/42' 3/16 23.2L
5'11''18' 1/42' 5/16 26.5L
6'0''18' 1/22' 1/2 29.3L
>> Details 
 3FFX 6'0 620.00€ 

 Mini-Tanker 7'0 
6'10''20' 1/42' 5/8 41.59L
7'0''20' 3/42' 11/16 44.7L
7'2''21' 1/42' 13/16 48L
>> Details 
 Mini-Tanker 7'0 760.00€ 

8'6''21' 3/83' 1/4 60.4L
>> Details 
 Gun 960.00€ 

5'6''19' 3/162' 7/16 28.5L
5'8''19' 3/42' 1/2 30.8L
5'10''20' 5/162' 5/8 34.6L
>> Details 
 TXISTORRA 5'8 640.00€ 

 Longboard Tanker 
9'0''22' 3/42' 5/8 61L
9'0''23'2' 7/8 68L
9'2''23'3' 0/16 72L
9'4''23'3' 1/8 76L
>> Details 
 Longboard Tanker 960.00€ 

 Mini-Malibu 7'10 Stark 
7'8''22'2' 3/4 51L
7'10''22' 1/42' 3/4 53L
8'0''22' 1/22' 7/8 57L
>> Details 
 Mini-Malibu 7'10 Stark 850.00€ 

 Pumping Step Up 6'1 
5'10''18'2' 1/8 22L
6'1''18' 1/42' 3/16 24L
6'3''18' 3/42' 3/8 27L
>> Details 

5'8''18' 1/42' 1/16 21.7L
5'10''18' 7/82' 1/4 25.9L
6'0''19'2' 5/16 27.2L
6'2''19' 3/82' 7/16 30.1L
6'4''19' 3/42' 9/16 33L
6'6''20'2' 11/16 36L
>> Details 
 16_9eme 730.00€ 

5'8''18' 3/82' 1/16 21.7L
5'10''18' 3/82' 1/8 23.2L
6'0''18' 5/82' 1/4 25.6L
6'2''19'2' 3/8 28.3L
6'4''19' 1/42' 1/2 30.9L
6'6''19' 3/42' 5/8 34.3L
>> Details 
 C2A 730.00€ 

 Surf Wegg 6'2 
6'0''20' 3/42' 5/8 38.1L
6'2''21'2' 5/8 39.7L
6'4''21' 1/22' 3/4 43.7L
6'6''21' 5/82' 3/4 45.2L
>> Details 
 Surf Wegg 6'2 650.00€ 

 Surf Rocket 5'8 
5'6''18' 5/162' 3/16 25L
5'8''18' 7/82' 1/4 26.9L
5'10''19' 1/42' 5/16 29.1L
>> Details 
 Surf Rocket 5'8 640.00€ 

 Surf - Rétro Fish 5'10 
5'8''22'2' 9/16 39.6L
5'10''22' 1/22' 5/8 42.9L
6'0''22' 3/42' 3/16 46.8L
>> Details 
 Surf - R&eacutetro Fish 5'10 650.00€ 

 Surf Marara 5'7 
5'6''18' 1/22' 3/16 23.4L
5'7''18' 5/82' 3/16 24.2L
5'8''18' 3/42' 1/4 25L
5'9''19'2' 1/4 25.7L
5'10''19' 1/42' 5/16 27.2L
5'11''19' 3/82' 5/16 28.1L
>> Details 
 Surf Marara 5'7 620.00€ 

 Nose rider 9'0 
9'0''22' 3/42' 5/8 61.1L
>> Details 

 Surf short 5'3 
5'0''16' 1/42' 0/16 17.4L
5'3''17' 1/82' 1/8 20.2L
5'6''17' 3/42' 1/4 23.2L
>> Details 

 The All Around 9'0 
9'0''22' 13/162' 5/8 57.8L
9'1''22' 13/162' 11/16 60.7L
>> Details 
 The All Around 9'0 1,600.00€ 

 The Seventeen 6'0 
5'10''18' 7/82' 5/16 26L
5'11''19'2' 3/8 27.4L
6'0''19' 1/82' 7/16 28.7L
6'1''19' 1/42' 1/4 29.9L
>> Details 
 The Seventeen 6'0 740.00€ 
Displaying 1 to 18 (of 23 products) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 
All our boards are made especially for you, and we adapt the dimensions when we make the 3D model. 3D modeling of you surfboard enables to perfectly manage all the volume parameters, to be 100% sure tha all dimensions are good for you. !
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